Owen Sound District Secondary School Transition Support
Great school supports, new social scene, new opportunities, different classes, great cafeteria, technology classes, clubs, The Arts, sports, weight room, Link Crew, yearbook, Light and Sound Crew, ..... We could go on! OSDSS is a great school, we are looking forward to your arrival!!
The transition from grade 8 to grade 9 is one of the most important in your school career. There are quite a few ways to help yourself become prepared for this transition:
Top 10 Things You Can Do to Get Prepared For your transition to OSDSS:
1. Take the time to think about your schooling, what do you want to get out of school, what do you like to do, what careers interest you, how do you learn best? All this information will help you in choosing your path at secondary school.
2. Talk with your parents and grade 8 teacher about which course level you feel you will be most successful.
3. Take part in opportunities to visit OSDSS. This year we have already organized a visit in November, come to our holiday concerts, sports activities, etc.
4. We will be coming to your school after the winter break, get your list of questions together. Our first visit will be to introduce ourselves (OSSS transition team) and talk to you about what OSDSS has to offer.
5. Invest in your self. High school will be full of excitement, opportunities, new experiences. Take part in what high school has to offer. Remember, you get what you give.
6. Friends are important in high school, there is not doubt, but remember to put your success and education first, friends, second.
7. Get into a good routine, go to bed at a decent time, eat breakfast, locate a quite space at home to do homework.
8. Every grade 9 student will be connected with a great senior student. This student has applied to be part of the LINK Crew program. This club is totally dedicated to making sure your grade 9 year is fun, safe, and welcoming. They will be in touch in late August to tell you about the first day of school.
9. Ask for help if you need it. OSDSS has about 1200 students. Everyone is one their own path. There are hundreds of students that access help in a variety of ways. Our Classroom Teachers, Resource Teachers, Guidance Councilors, Student Success Teacher, Librarians, Educational Assistants and Administration staff are there to help, seek them out sooner rather than later.
10. Get involved- this is a new start for all of you. Enjoy the opportunities, make the best school and all it has to offer!!
Tentative Transition Meetings
Nov. 5- OSDSS Transition Day - OSDSS family of schools are invited to visit OSDSS, take part in some classes and check out their soon to be new school!
January - Date TBA- Home School Visit- Meet OSDSS Transition Team, learn more about what OSDSS has to offer, ask questions
February-Date TBA- Grade 8 Parent Night- Bring your parents, take a tour, check out the amazing programs OSDSS has to offer, learn about option cards
February- Home School visits- Option card discussion (Academic/Applied/Locally Developed), Compulsory/Option classes
Grade 8 Visit to OSDSS & Speaker Andy Thibodeau http://www.andypresentations.com/