Job hunting can be a very challenging journey. At OSDSS we are lucky to have Heather Rourke (YMCA Employment Officer) on a weekly basis. If you are looking for a job, developing a resume, need some help with interviews, Heather Rourke can help. To make an appointment to see Heather, go to guidance and sign-up.
For more information about employment, check these sites out:
Y Community and Employment Services
Local Job and Employment Contacts
Job Bank Canada
Service Canada for Youth
Are you employable? Take a survey to find out!
Do you need a Social Insurance Number?
Information Regarding Careers/Interest Surveys
Career Matters- A great interactive site that highlights different careers, income, education required, etc.
Skilled Trades-A Career You Can Build On
My Blueprint- is a customizable, interactive education planning took that provides students the ability to make the most informed decisions about their education. Plan and track towards your high school graduation.
School Activation Key: osdss
Career Cruising is a resource designed for people of all ages. It will allow you to fink the right career, explore different career options, or plan future education and training.
Username: bluewater
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
Canadian Apprenticeship Forum
Tips for Parents
Your Teen At Work: Tips for Parents