Bus Information - General

Interested in becoming a school bus driver? | Red Deer Catholic Regional  Schools


If you live within the catchment area, busing (if applicable) is automatically arranged for your child.

If you live outside the catchment area, you will need to complete an Application for Student Transfer Beyond School Boundary form.  This form must be signed by the principal of the school your child would normally attend and then the form will be sent to the school your child is requesting to attend for signature.  Once completed, the form is sent to the Transportation Consortium for review, approval and bus assignment.

If you require transportation for your children due to custodial arrangements, please complete the Transportation for Joint Custody form and return it to the school.

Parents are able to gain access to their child’s school bus information for the 2024-2025 school year as of August 16th 2024. The internet address is Www.Mybrucegreyschoolbus.Ca. Once on the site click on Parent Portal and follow the instructions. To access this site for the first time you will need the student’s Ontario Education Number (OEN). This number is in the format of 123-456-789 and is located on the top of the student report card. That number, along with the student’s school and student’s address will allow you to get access to all bus route details.

If you do not have the OEN, please contact Owen Sound District Secondary School at 519-376-6050 to obtain this number. If you are unable to access the transportation information, please call the Consortium at 226-257-1000 to ask for this information.

In this system is a Delays & Cancellations tool. Parents are encouraged to subscribe to alerts from this tool to receive an email or text if the bus is running late or cancelled on a snow day.

Have further questions regarding your child's busing?  Meet the Team at the Student Transportation Service Consortium of Grey-Bruce.  They will be happy to answer your questions.

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