Mandatory eLearning Credits
Online learning, or digital literacy, is a key competency for 21st-century learners. In response to the need for this global skill, the Ministry of Education has added a new online learning graduation requirement.
Starting with Grade 9 students who entered secondary school in the fall of 2020, all students will be required to earn two online learning credits to obtain their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
Eligible credits will include:
• all online credits earned at an Ontario secondary school
Ineligible credits that do not count towards the online learning graduation requirement include:
• in-person learning;
• blended learning (a combination of online and in-person learning);
• flipped classrooms (content is introduced online but practiced in person); and
• remote learning (a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous learning). Exception, one remote learning credit earned in 2020-2021.
Parents will be offered the opportunity to opt-out of the mandatory online learning credits, if they deem that this way of learning is not appropriate or beneficial for their child.
BWDSB Opt-Out Form is available below, or in the Forms section, as well it can be picked up in Guidance.
Benefits for students
By expanding access to teacher-led online learning, students will have the opportunity to:
- get credits in subjects they find interesting but that may not be available at their school
- learn in engaging ways, such as through interactive features, simulations and collaboration with others across the province
- gain important transferable skills, including digital literacy, to support lifelong learning and employment opportunities
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