Full Disclosure Policy
The Ontario Ministry of Education has a policy of full disclosure. This means that all Grade 11 and 12 courses attempted by students must be recorded on their Ontario Student Transcripts (OSR). Please note that full disclosure does not apply to students in Grade 9 or 10 courses. After the full disclosure deadline, any Grade 11 or 12 course completed, withdrawn from, or failed will appear on a student transcript along with the marks earned in the program.
The full disclosure date this semester is MAY 9th, 2024, following the mid-term reporting period.
This means senior students (grade 11 or 12) must withdraw from a course without it showing on their transcript in Semester 1. Semester 2 courses are not a concern at this time.
If your child hopes to withdraw from a course this semester, they must do so by visiting our Guidance Department prior to May 7th.. As well, if your son or daughter is not 18, a change does require permission from a parent or legal guardian. Permission can be received by phone, or by signature on a form sent home.