Anti-Bullying @ OSDSS
OSDSS is a community that works hard to make our school a safe place for all staff and students. Bullying is not accepted at our school.
If you are being bullied or have observed bullying taking place, please tell a trusted adult. If you do not feel comfortable speaking with someone in person, OSDSS has a SPEAK (Students Promoting Equality and Kindness) Line where you can leave a brief anonymous message about any incident.
OSDSS SPEAK LINE: 519.376.6050 ext. 777
Don't Stand By, Stand Up!
Where to go for help:
Kids can call or post message 24/7 for anonymous professional counseling. In 2007, Kids Help Phone was used more than two million times by kids from almost 3,000 different Canadian communities.
The Kids' Internet Safety Alliance site features some first-class resources
The Media awareness Network site offers "Internet 101" for parents, safety checklists and detailed explanations of technological terminology.
A Canadian collection of information about keeping school/communities safe
What you can do:
1. Speak up. Tell the bully that their behaviour is unacceptable and that you won't get involved. You have an opinion too, and it matters more than you think.
2.Recognize bullying. It's not just physical. It can be social, verbal and cyber as well.
3. Walk away and go get help. Standing around and watching just brings attention to the bully.
4. Encourage bystanders to get involved as a group. Band together and walk away. Be better than the bully thinks you are. Show them you're not so easily entertained.
5. Help the target. Put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you want someone to help you if you were being picked on?
6. Don't fight the bully. It's not safe, and it'll just fuel the fire.
"Our humanity is caught up in that of all others. We are human because we belong. We are made for community, for togetherness, for family, to exist in a delicate network of interdependence.... We are sisters and brothers of one another whether we like it or not, and each one of us is a precious individual."
(Archbishop Desmond Tutu)