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Parents/Guardians are automatically set up to receive broadcasts from our school by phone, email, and text through our communication platform, SchoolMessenger Communicate!

Adjust your preferences at any time for how you wish to receive broadcasts (e.g., phone only, email only, text only, a combination, or all three!), and the types of broadcasts you wish to receive from us (General, Emergency, Commercial/Fundraising) through either of the following ways:

Using the email address that our school has on file for you, create an account at:

; and/or

 Download the SchoolMessenger app (App Store or Google Play) on your mobile device  (BLUE symbol)

School Messenger Parent User Guide

Once you have logged in with the new password you created, select “Preferences” from the top left and make your adjustments.

Receiving our broadcasts by text requires an extra step. Using the wireless number we have on file for you, you must opt in by texting Yes using the short code 978338. Standard message and data rates may apply.

If you already created a SchoolMessenger account last year, you are all set. You do not need to go through this process again.

IMPORTANT: Broadcasts will be sent to you based on the phone, wireless, and email contact information that you submitted to the school. Contact us at any time if you wish to make changes to your contact information.

How to get started with school messenger
SchoolMessenger Video

Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.