Welcome to owen sound district secondary school

 Principal's Message:

Welcome to Owen Sound District Secondary School!! OSDSS is the result of an amalgamation of Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute and West Hill Secondary School. We are in Owen Sound on Georgian Bay and located in the beautiful Niagara Escarpment. Owen Sound is an area known for outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, biking, boating and sledding to name a few. We are also a cultural centre and home to the Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Grey Roots Museum and the Roxy Theatre.

OSDSS is the largest secondary school in Bluewater with an enrolment of approximately 1300 students and over 100 staff.  

Our parents are always encouraged to be a part of our school. The School Community Council are a valued part of our school community. New parents are always welcome to attend information meetings. Be sure to check our website for meeting details.

We have a wonderful diversity in our programs at OSDSS. We offer French Immersion, allowing students to take 1/3 of their secondary courses in French. We have a strong technology department offering courses in construction, manufacturing, automotive, design, communications and hospitality. Our mathematics and computer science departments compete in high-level national contests.  Our art department offers a wide variety of courses including drama, dance, traditional visual arts, arts and crafts and Indigenous perspectives.  We offer a very popular Specialist High Skills Major in Art and Culture where our students will specialize in dance and hairstyling and aesthetics. We also offer Specialist High Skills Majors in Agriculture, Athletics and Recreational Leadership, Construction, Health and Wellness, Manufacturing Technology, Software Technology and Transportation.

OSDSS offers a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities in the form of teams and clubs. We enter a team in almost every sport that participates in the Bluewater Athletic Association. Many of our teams and athletes are very successful winning league, CWOSSA and OFSAA championships.

We look forward to a great 2024 - 2025 school year together. 

Erin Paylor

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